Thursday, February 21, 2008

You Can't Touch Us, or Rove Speaks on Signing Statements

Apparently at a speech given on the evening of Feb.20th, Karl Rove made the statement that Bush had gotten "unfair treatment on the matter" regarding signing statements (link). Rove then went on to state that "those who disagree" with Bush's use of signing statements "can take on the White House in the courtroom if they feel strongly enough about it". So, basically we get the same old "fuck you" from our great leaders, and of course, our spineless Democratic majority remains quivering in there own piss puddles as the "brain" speaks. The utter arrogance of this man is beyond description.
An audience member then asked if Bush had simply used these statements to exorcise power.
Rove replied "that when the president issues a signing statement, he does so to express his view that a provision within a law violates the U.S. Constitution and that he is discarding that provision in accordance with his duty as commander in chief."
Give me a fucking break!
As if these scumbags were in the least bit concerned with that "God dammed piece of paper called the Constitution! Jeeeeez!!
Thanks to for the blurb on this.

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