Sunday, December 21, 2008

Woman's Clown - Car Vagina let's Out 18th Passenger!

Michelle Duggar believer who endorses the Quiverfull movement and the teachings of asshat Bill Gothard, just brought her 18th child into the world yesterday, and husband Jim Bob said of the baby “The ultimate Christmas gift from God”, and they are looking forward to having more.

As someone said on an internet forum, there has got to be a pathology to this. Is the pathology her fundamentalism or is it something more? Just because someone can get pregnant doesn’t mean that they should keep doing so. It is unhealthy physically and her children cannot grow up in a mentally normal environment. The older ones are little parents to the younger ones and are slaves to the family “cult” as Michelle keeps spreading her legs for her husband and lays around growing babies inside her and getting lots and lots of media attention. Is that it? Do some women simply love the attention they get from the doctors, friends and family members when they are preggers?

Medical experts warn that a woman’s uterus has to be exhausted and extremely prolapsed from many pregnancies over the years, and that over the years a woman’s uterus loses the elasticity and strength to carry children safely. And with age, a woman also has a higher risk of producing children with birth defects and Down’s syndrome. Does this worry Jim Bob? Is he concerned about his wife’s safety? Nope…“We both would love to have more,” he said.

(A bit about this Bill Gothard from Wikipedia: Gothard was also accused by some of being hypocritical for not practicing what he preaches about conflict resolution,[16] and for his “quiverfull” teachings that married believers should eschew birth control and have as many children as possible, given that Gothard himself is unmarried and childless, even into his 70s)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Well, second one after the election, I believe...

I think I will continue on with this little blog to store up and collect the two-faced hypocrites from the roght, who as Buch and company emptied our pockets and standing in the world, cheered him on. And so it begins: From

Bay Buchanan Suddenly Finds Religion on Waste, Cronyism, Corruption and Government Spending

From Larry King Live Nov. 25, 2008 while discussing the potential stimulus package Obama is proposing, Bay Buchanan suddenly finds religion on government waste, cronyism and corruption.

This Republican cheerleader suddenly doesn't like that these things might go on when she sat silent about them all through the Bush administration. Bay, where were you at while they were playing football with pallets full of our money in Iraq and while Halliburton was blowing up $70,000 trucks at cost plus to our government? Where were you when they were giving no bid contracts for Gulf Coast reconstruction and they used about ten middle men in the process before finally hiring some illegal alien to do the actual work and stealing our tax dollars?

I could go on, and I'm sure the readers here can give a longer list of the things that Republicans have ignored while Bush was in charge of the theft of our tax dollars. To see the feigned outrage from those who cheered Bush along the entire way now that we're in a mess of Bush's making so huge it's hard to imagine how we'll come out of it is nothing short of infuriating. Bay, you're a day late and way more than a dollar short.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

About Sarah's Wiring

View of a crowd in Sydney Australia after annoucement of Obama's victory

Well, this is a great day... and I'm looking foward to not having to collect all these tidbits about loonies on the campaign. So, one for the history books to ponder. The observation that is made clear on a Wonkette coments post by " Bearbait" about the way Sarah Palin thinks...and it is a very good window into the particular way her brain is wired:
bearbait says at 11:00 am, November 5th, 2008

Here’s a good ol’ fashioned Palin quote, just for old time’s sake. Got to get them in before she becomes, “Sarah Who?”:

And I do recognize this is an historical event, no matter which ticket of course prevails, there too, it’s so well for the progress this country is making, and barriers of course being removed and glass ceilings being shattered, again, as the representation on both tickets will show,” Palin said.

It’s not linear thinking, nor is it really circular…more like swirling, eddying thinking.

I Love it. And hopefully, we need not ever concern ourselves with her again. Just those like her, that do not think linear, but in a swirling method.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

YES! Election Night Post!!!

Well, It's here and I* have no info, not even exit poll crap. But I have a feeling..... And to celebrate that feeling, I'm posting some coments on Sarah Palin... lest we all forget in the days to come!
To set the stage, Sarah, the Snowbilly, has just stopped for some coffee in her home town of Wasilla, after voting today:
As she waited for her beverages, a local reporter asked the governor how she envisions her role in national politics if McCain loses the election. Palin did not hesitate to muse about a future that might not include being vice president come January.

“You know, if there is a role in national politics, it won’t be so much partisan,” she said. “My efforts have always been here in the state of Alaska to get everybody to unite and work together and progress this state.”

“It would certainly be a uniter type of role,” she added.

Asked if she had any regrets about the campaign, Palin bemoaned “the state of journalism today.”

“The blogosphere, the two-, three-hour news cycles, where just too much is reported based on gossip and innuendo and things taken out of context,” she explained, adding that she’d like to help improve the profession because she has “great respect for the world of journalism.”

And now, those amazing coments, via

Palin as a uniter is a stretch. She describes herself as being 'hardcore' pro- life and appeals to the right's base. She's not someone who understands the root of ideological differences so she's not going to be able to discover a middle ground. She doesn't understand cities, liberals, and those who don't see things the way she does. Also, Bush used to call himself a uniter too. I think they just mean that people should unite behind their views.
Posted By: | November 04, 2008 at 02:14 PM

?The blogosphere, the two, three hour news cycles, where just too much is reported based on gossip and innuendo and things taken out of context,? she explained, adding that she?d like to help improve the profession because she has ?great respect for the world of journalism.? Yeah I think Barack Obama knows a thing or two about internet rumors. Palin had to put up with people dissing her wardrobe, Obama has had his religion and citizenship openly questioned in the "blogosphere".

The blogosphere she so resents is probably the only place she's qualified to pursue her career in 'journalism.' I think this woman will be lucky to stay employed by the people of Alaska after this election.

Posted By: maggs | November 04, 2008 at 02:18 PM

Well, based on these comments, it's obvious that Gov. Plain has the chutzpah for national politics. Unhappily, I think she's going to find out within a week or so that the same liberal east coast elites who picked her up, dressed her, and put the words up on the teleprompter for her to read are pretty much done with her. It's back to the great white north for you, honey. *wink*

Posted By: nhunter | November 04, 2008 at 02:22 PM

Palin says she has "great respect for the world of journalism" maybe that's why she refused to speak to so many journalists? Pure Palin logic, I guess. Go home, Barbie, practice and study a bit and perhaps you can return with some credibility when you learn to communicate in clear and acceptable English language sentences. Or, better yet....just go home!

Posted By: Susan | November 04, 2008 at 02:28 PM

Sorry Gov. Bemoan it all you want, presidential campaign news isn't sent by carrier pigeon. It's all about information in the 21st century. Campaigns can't control it once it's out, they can only react or not react. And simple platitudes don't cut it anymore.

Posted By: Sorry Gov. | November 04, 2008 at 02:39 PM

Maybe she could take one or two English classes before becoming the "world reknown' journalism savior. It might make it easier for the rest of the United States to be able to understand what the heck she is trying to say. But what the heck, she can try it out on the polar bears that are not in danger of extiction.

Posted By: Dismayed | November 04, 2008 at 02:53 PM

Caribu Barbie is about to fade into the Alaskan sunset... And will only be seen on SNL re-runs! And we will all muse, just what was he thinking - Sarah Palin for VP - preposterous!

Posted By: Hans Anderson | November 04, 2008 at 02:54 PM

Asked if she had any regrets about the campaign, Palin bemoaned "the state of journalism today."

"The blogosphere, the two, three hour news cycles, where just too much is reported based on gossip and innuendo and things taken out of context,"

Sarah, cry me a river!

You, John McCain, and the McCain campaign are responsible for disseminating almost all of the "gossip and innuendo and things taken out of context" in this Presidential campaign.

Posted By: nOoG | November 04, 2008 at 02:56 PM

"?great respect for the world of journalism.?"

(spit take) the blatant hypocrisy she spews deadpan is almost like it was written by SNL as an absurd sketch character. Wow.....

Well if this makes me an elitist snob I can live with that but I sure won't miss those over pronounced r's and that "folksy" cadence that accompanied the politics lite babble (wink)

Posted By: Wink Martindale | November 04, 2008 at 02:59 PM
I hate to pile on?oh, wait, I don't?but she really does lie outrageously. Not one single press conference! Not one! But she unites clear-thinking people in the opinion that she's a wack job, I'll admit that. I can't wait to hear the McCain people letting their hair down.

Posted By: MattinPA | November 04, 2008 at 03:00 PM

I hate to pile on?oh, wait, I don't?but she really does lie outrageously. Not one single press conference! Not one! But she unites clear-thinking people in the opinion that she's a wack job, I'll admit that. I can't wait to hear the McCain people letting their hair down.

Posted By: MattinPA | November 04, 2008 at 03:00 PM

It's a little difficult to believe, but Palin actually has a journalism degree. She should have had training in college on conducting interviews, the difference between factual reporting and biased slant, etc. I know this because I also have a degree in journalism, so I know what is involved in the curriculum. Maybe it's because she skipped around to so many different schools before finally graduating - what was it, five different colleges in six years? Anyway - what I really don't get is that for someone who has a college degree in a communication field, one would think that she would have been better trained to communicate - prepared to be the object of interviews, think on her feet and answer "out of the blue" questions, etc. Based on her performance over the course of the campaign, I don't see her having the skills or experience to make any kind of difference in the journalism field. Not to mention that she's such a whack job that nobody outside the hardcore conservative right is going to listen to her anyway...

Posted By: John | November 04, 2008 at 03:11 PM

The funny thing is that the ONE degree Palin has (that took 5 schools and 6 years to get) is in JOURNALISM. She shot herself in the foot concerning the press. Couric's interview was entirely fair. She failed to name a single publication she reads AND a supreme court decision she disagrees with. She told the media she doesn't know what a vice president does. She trashes the MSM but even the campaign staff have trashed her for being a 'diva' and 'going rogue'. Stop whining about the media, Sarah. Enjoy governing Alaska until you fail to get re-elected.

Posted By: Renae | November 04, 2008 at 03:21 PM

Left Wasilla millions in debt, left its once pristine lake rimmed with strip malls and water so polluted the salmon are gasping for oxygen, lied about the bridge to nowhere, chased down a guy who used his office e-mail for private use & did the same thing herself, - defamed and slandered obama without losing a beat or looking back - and she thinks she has a future? not unless the voters have a collective lobotamy - back to wasilla for this right wing dunce - they can have her

Posted By: winchestereast | November 04, 2008 at 03:27 PM

Oh, that's rich. Sarah Palin, the woman who wouldn't know the Constitution from constipation, is now going to parachute in to save journalism? I look forward to that. If anything, the blogs and Internet-borne journalism SAVED this election cycle from the hyper-active smear-and-spin efforts of the McCain campaign. Mainstream media, bound by a rigid contract to proffer equal time and ensure an equivalency of ideas, allowed some truly caustic lies to be disseminated. Fortunately, those pesky blogs were there to hold McCain's vile propaganda operation to account. Go back to Alaska, Sarah. Hunt moose from helicopters. Engage in your fringe prayer warrior politics. And ham it up with Todd's secessionist pals. But leave the Lower 48 be in peace. We beg you. Seriously.

The scary and sad part is that she comes on like she really believes in what she says. McCains' own campaign handlers know everthing they wanted her to say and do was only a script to get votes but she REALLY seems to believed in all that hype and all the lies, that's why people in her own camp thinks she's a whack job. She's a perfect fit to be Grand Wizard of the KKK but certainly not Vice President of the United States.

Posted By: Joe the native american | November 04, 2008 at 03:45 PM

Well, Thats some. There are hundreds, literally!! But I just wanted to capture the emotion this evening ( afternoon for the comments).
OK, Theres history to be made!!!

abuse icon

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Good One From You Tube

This Woman is just Fucking Dangerous!!!!

Palin Bizarre Rant Warns of Communist Nightmare State

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Whatsup Guys...8 years later

Just want to save some of these...

These are some comments from ThinkProgress.Org about Palin's "Fruitfly" statements of October 25th.
OceanDog Says:

LOVED Richard Wolffe’s smackdown of Palin on Keith…

"I’m going to be as restrained and measured as I possibly can about this. This is the most mindless, ignorant, uninformed comment that we have seen from Gov. Palin so far, and there’s been a lot of competition for that prize. Fruit flies are … a standard scientific model in genetic research along with a whole range of other organisms and cells, including mice, rats, there’s nothing fluffy or funny about it."

satirev Says:

The profound depth of this woman’s ignorance is nothing short of astounding. Every time she opens her mouth, she proves what a buffoon she is. No wonder Rove wanted to sequester her. I have yet to observe her complete a complete original thought into a well-constructed, gramatically-accurate sentence! She’s one pathetic “tool” at this point. I’m anxious to see what occurs when she returns to Alaska at this point. I’ve heard talk ranging from total censure to impeachment.

Since it broke yesterday that when she became a “candidate” she called her staff and had them alter expense reports to make it appear that the good taxpayers of the state were paying for her children as “invited guests” instead of “citizen leeches” as they more aptly became.

In reading this outrageous abuse of power in using the taxpayer’s money, one instance comes to mind: Las Vegas - Governor’s meeting. She occupied a room for 5 nights to the tune of $700+ per night and attended only one (1) meeting which consisted of 4 hours!! She also had the taxpayers fund her kids transportation and meals.

The future for this woman becomes more grim by the moment. Just like Joe the Plumber who has descended into the male laughingstock and collateral damage of the capricious trainwreck called the McCain Campaign, Secessionist Simpleton Sarah has become Joe’s female counterpart. Her political future is over and she will even top Dan Quayle now in being the dumbest veep candidate ever in our history.

Thanks to Sarah, Dan Quayle’s political capital just went up!

CageyCretin Says:

Sciency stuff scares her. Fruit flies, stem cells, and all sorts of sciency stuff that attempts to slap gOD in the proverbial face. Well, Sarah says “thanks but no thanks” to science. Science cannot be wed with religion… I guess they’re the same gender, and we know how her gOD feels about THAT sort of thing….

Sarah Palin, bringing science back to the Dark Ages in the name of gOD.

Interesting that she did not say that research would be funded to seek cures: she offered a massive welfare program. (just pointing out the hypocracy — myself, I think that the welfare AND scientific research is needed).

Palin just continues to amaze us all. Not only with her ignorance (the novelty of that is starting to wear off, believe it or not), but the PRIDE she appears to take in her ignorance.

Drosophila research has yielded benefits for many physical conditions afflicting humans — autism, brain disorders, cancer — just to name a few. My mother is a retired developmental biologist who spent a great deal of time on fruit fly research, which was also the subject of her doctoral dissertation. She could enlighten us all on what the benefits of this research have done for us over the years far better than I ever could.

I suspect that Palin’s answer to people who have special needs consists of praying to God for healing. Anything else would be far beyond her comprehension.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fuck You RNC

Or Palin for that matter, Maybe she got the talking points from the RNC, or maybe they just came naturally to this dimwitt...
What ever, I found this short but cogent piece at the Smirking Chimp by
RJ Eskow:
Excuse Me, But Didn't McCain and Palin Just Say That the Victims of 9/11 Weren't 'Real Americans'?
October 22, 2008 - 11:25am
Some questions about a colleague's work came up yesterday during a business call. We couldn't ask her about them, though. Why? Because she was somewhere between the 95th and 99th tower of the World Trade Center's North Tower on the morning of September 11, 2001.

Sarah Palin says that the 'real America' is in small towns and formerly red states. She says the people in the cities and in the North aren't 'pro-American.' Yet most of the people who lost their lives at the World Trade Center lived in the cities and suburbs.

Not real Americans? The firefighters who sacrificed their lives by going back into a burning building to save lives? Not real Americans? The friends and colleagues who died in pitch black crowded stairwells in some Boschean vision of hell? Or broke a window and jumped from the 101st floor rather than continue to feel their skin grow hotter and hotter?

Not real Americans? The wives and husbands who continue to grieve, the parents who lost sons and daughters, the children whose healing is yet to come?

They're saying that Northern Virginia isn't the real America, either. Joe McCain says it's "communist." Another McCain spokesperson says it's not even the real South.

Nothern Virginia. You know - where the Pentagon is.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I Guess this fits pretty well with the post directly beneath!

History does in deed repeat itself, if good men and women do nothing

This one's for posterity.

A year from now, I won't believe this.


First Matthews tried to get Bachmann to tell his audience, per Sarah Palin's homage to "pro-American places," what parts of America are anti-American. She danced around the question and kept harking on the talking points programmed into her playback. So then he tried another tack:

Matthews: How many Congresspeople, members of Congress are in that anti-American crowd you describe?

Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]

Matthews: How many Congresspeople you serve with -- I mean, there's 435 members of Congress --

Bachmann: -- well right now --

Matthews: -- how many are anti-American in that Congress right now that you serve with?

Bachmann: You'd have to ask them, Chris, I'm focusing on Barack Obama and the people he's been associated with --

Matthews: But do you suspect that a lot of the people you serve with --

Bachmann: -- and I'm very worried about their anti-American nature.

Matthews: Well, he's the United States Senator from Illinois, he's one of the people you suspect as being anti-American. How many people in the Congress of the United States do you think are anti-American? You've already suspected Barack Obama. Is he alone, or are there others?

Bachmann: [Deer in the headlights]

Matthews: How many do you suspect of your colleagues do you suspect of being anti-American?

Bachmann: I would say, what I would say is that the news media should do a penetrating expose and take a look -- I wish they would. I wish the American media would take a great look at the views of the people in Congress and find out, are they pro-America or anti-America? I think the people would love to see an expose like that.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Hey McCain Palin...SUCK ON THIS!!!

Obama draws a crowd of 100,000 in St. Louis!!!!
update: Barack Obama attracted 100,000 people at a Saturday rally here, his biggest crowd ever at a U.S. event.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Tina Fey on Palin: "If she wins..I'm leaving earth!"

Tina Fey told TVGuide she'll be "done" if John McCain and Sarah Palin win the election next month.

The "SNL" veteran who has come back to play the Republican Vice Presidential candidate (and whose own show, "30 Rock," is still nowhere to be seen), said, "We're gonna take it week by week. If she wins, I'm done. I can't do that for four years. And by 'I'm done,' I mean I'm leaving Earth."

Fey also said it's a busy but exciting time for "SNL."

"Election time is always good for [SNL] and this is a bonkers election," she said. "And that lady is a media star. She is a fascinating person, she's very likeable. She's fun to play, and the two bits with Amy [Poehler], that was super fun," Fey says.

For the full story, pick up the October 20th issue of TV Guide, plus the following week's issue (October 27th) featuring TV Guide's cover story on 30 Rock's Tina Fey and Alec Baldwin.


Yup, the "Purple Heart Lady"
This photo had become an image that had an historical effect on me.
It's one of those photos that achieve a certain landmark importance, that become time capsules, icons to a brief moment captured in an instant, alive for eternity. The sailor kissing the nurse in Times Square at the end of World War Two, The child running down the road with her skin burned off from Vietnam, etc...
This photo had become my own timeless capture of America at it's ugliest. This useless waste of cells, this veritable bag of shit, with a Purple Heart Band-Aid, poking fun at John Kerry's service, and by doing so, at every veteran who has ever received one. This walking sack of macaroni and cheese eating refuse had come to MY CITY, MY STATE, to show her "cleverness" and her support for the idiot-king boy child.
And what do I find on the net?

And boy, all I have to say is it's way too bad the South did not win that fucking war! I really have come to believe that they have evolved some down-right faulty genes.
Thanks Texas, thanks for it all! Why don't you just go Fuck Yourself!?

She turns up at a dinner with John McCain, and is saluting a woman who is now in Jail on charges of shooting a Doctor who has performed abortions. Hmmm, this is who McCain hangs with. And they are up in arms about Obama and Ayers. Ayers, who has down something useful with his life. And this woman, a waste of cellular material.
From the dailyKos:

Purple Heart Lady - she's back

Sat Sep 06, 2008 at 05:13:33 AM PDT

I was watching the Daily Show online clips of the Republican Convention. When they showed shots of the crowd, I thought hey, I know that woman from somewhere. It couldn't be. Is it? It is. I'm pretty sure. Slightly more boofier hair now, but same angle-downed nose and receding chin when she laughs. Short of a DNA test I can't be 100% certain.

But dang, even if I'm wrong (many women may look similar), it sure as heck looks like her.

New hat this time around, and new buttons pinned to it.

Here she is this year at the 2008 RNC, cheering a long term Senator Vietnam war hero candidate who married an heiress who's family fortune was made from a delicious compliment to fries and burgers:


And here she is four years ago at the 2004 RNC, jeering a long term Senator Vietnam war hero candidate who married an heiress who's family fortune was made from a delicious compliment to fries and burgers:


Now, I can't even begin to fathom what goes through the mind of a person like this. And I'm not even going to express an opinion of how disgusting I found the whole thing four years ago, and I'm not even an American so I can't even imagine how you guys felt.

Any decent person would believe that she'd be too ashamed to show her face in public ever again. But nope, there she is in all her hypocritical glory.

Bugger me if this doesn't truly symbolise the modern American Republican party and its hypocrisy. Not just of the double-talking leaders and pundits, but the party faithful themselves.

UPDATE: At Gitmo Bay's suggestion in the comments, I googled her (even further info about her provided by boofdah in the comments):

Pat Peale is the woman in the photo wearing a "purple heart" band-aid, ... One of her sons works for Phil Gramm, ex-Republican Senator from Texas.

from the comments section:

She's a classic type that H.L. Mencken used to so brilliantly skewer.

"A [wo]man full of faith is simply one who has lost, or never had, the capacity for clear and realistic thought. [Sh]e is not a mere ass; [s]he is actually ill. Worse, [s]he is incurable."
Who is she? Well let's take a look: ( the blog is from 2004, so the links are all down)

September 7, 2004
By punpirate

I want you to remember the name Pat Peale.

Pat Peale is the woman in the photo wearing a "purple heart" band-aid, mocking John Kerry's war wounds. She's also mocking every soldier, sailor, airman or marine ever injured in battle, for whatever reason.

If you think she's just another mindless twit who happened to slap a joke on her chin on her way into the Republican National Convention, think again:

She's known Karl Rove since he was "a youngster."

She's fixed dinner for George W. Bush.

She's also whipped up lunch for that hungry Republican crew of "rioters" in Florida who were determined to stop that nasty ol' vote count from proceeding in the 2000 election.

One of her sons works for Phil Gramm, ex-Republican Senator from Texas, and the other of her sons works for Fred Thompson, ex-Republican Senator from Tennessee.

When Texas Democrats went to Oklahoma to prevent redistricting, she chased after them, doing her "chicken dance" for the cameras.

She's not an accidental delegate, caught with a stupid band-aid on her chin. She's one of the insiders of Republican Texas politics, and she had this to say about her wearing of a "purple heart" band-aid which she intended to shame John Kerry, but ended up shaming all with the medal:

Peale said she does not apologize for her comments or for the bandages, but that she did not mean to insult Purple Heart recipients.

"I'm not apologizing for what I did. It was in jest," she said.

Peale said her behavior pales in comparison to the antics of crowds of liberal protesters outside the convention center.

"There were certainly a lot of things coming from the protesters that were not in jest," she said.

She said along nearby 42nd Street, there were several demonstrations that took pornographic themes. Other protesters, according to Peale, rode bicycles and attempted to run delegates off of the sidewalks. Many were anti-war but shouted angry rhetoric about President George W. Bush.

"It's not fair for the police and the city of New York to pay to protect us from the protesters," she said, adding she believes in the right to protest but that many of the demonstrators have acted "belligerent."

Pat, you believe legitimate protest is horrible, compared to your denigration of a medal signifying suffering in battle. I've got some ABC-type news for you.

No apologies necessary on my part, Pat. Not for me, anyway. I managed to get through three years of military service during a war I despised. No Purple Heart for me. I was lucky.

But, there were the people I knew who didn't fare so well, some who died, some who were injured, one with his arm cut off in a wartime accident, and another, on patrol inside the Cambodian border, who had a grenade rolled at him while his trousers were down, taking a shit. Geez, Pat, it only took off his right hand and laid shrapnel up and down his right side. No big thing, huh?

I'll leave it up to my father to mention his injuries in the "good" war, if he wants, but I will say that they did involve falling out of a burning bomber, his face on fire, broken bones which the Germans did not set and months in prison camp.

Then there's my girlfriend's father, first a Marine in that same "good" war, later a Green Beret, earning, the hard way, a Purple Heart at Guadalcanal and a Bronze Star and Navy Cross in New Guinea.

Then there's all those injured in Korea, Viet Nam (including Kerry) and the first Gulf War.

Then there's the thousands of killed and wounded coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan. Quite a few people with brain damage and missing limbs.

No biggies. Band-aids would do, right?

What have the chickenhawks been teaching you about honor and sacrifice, Pat Peale? Nothing, from what I can see. They have been teaching you, however, how to smear a veteran who happens to be running for President against your favorite son. In doing so, you've mocked and smeared all veterans - even those haplessly partisan swift boat vets who would choose to lie out of mistaken loyalty to comrades or George W. Bush.

You can say you meant no disrespect, but that's the Republican way - smear and then say, "hey, that's not what I did." Believe me. You did just that - exhibit disrespect - on your chin.

The chickenhawks are the people who are in charge of this government of ours at this moment and who are seeking your vote, and who are claiming to be tough on terror. These people ran from danger, Pat Peale. Bush got preferential treatment to get into the Air National Guard ahead of hundreds of others to avoid Viet Nam (don't believe it? Watch 60 Minutes this Sunday and listen to Ben Barnes). Dick Cheney got five deferments, and applied for his parenthood deferment as soon as his wife, Lynne, was pregnant.

These people avoided service and are now making fun, by proxy, of people who were injured in battle. And they're using you to do it.

Read the following names of high officials in our current government and see if you recognize them: Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Cheney ("more important things to do"), Douglas Feith, Richard Perle, John Bolton, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Karl Rove, Spencer Abraham, Elliot Abrams, Don Evans, Andrew Card, Asa Hutchinson, John Ashcroft, Dennis Hastert (current Speaker of the House - his knees were bad, but damn, he could still wrestle in college).

None of these people served a minute in the armed forces as active duty soldiers, in any capacity. All found a way not to do what John Kerry volunteered to do.

Or how about these well-known personalities? They heavily promoted our most recent wars and/or a Draconian reactionary conservative agenda in this current administration and past administrations:

Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Bill Bennett, Newton "Newt" Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, Michael Savage, Joe Scarborough, Gary Bauer, Jerry Falwell, Meldrim Thomson (former governor of New Hampshire who spent not a whit of time in the military, but introduced a bill to order the equipping of the NH National Guard with nuclear weapons), Jeb Bush, Saxby Chambliss (who beat triple-amputee veteran Max Cleland in Georgia by putting him on political posters next to Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden), Tom DeLay (House Majority Leader, who once said there were no spots for him - a Caucasian man - in the military during the Viet Nam war because Blacks and Hispanics had snapped up all the spots) and Trent Lott (former U.S. Senate majority leader).

None of these people served, either. These are the people that you, Pat Peale, squeal over, fawn over, swoon to meet. Let's see, what name needs further mention?

Oh, yes, Pat Peale is very fond of George W. Bush. The very same guy who left the Air National Guard well before his term of service was up, refused to take two consecutive annual flight physicals (violations of regulations punishable by board of inquiry and courts martial, if necessary), and still can't prove where he was for months at a time.

Pat Peale, you're the woman who makes fun of people with Purple Hearts, and does it because you're a friend and admirer of George W. Bush, the man who wants all of us to re-elect him to the Presidency. Naturally, you couldn't have had your fun without the help of Morton C. Blackwell, who passed out the fun bandages with the neatly drawn purple hearts on them. Blackwell is another fun guy, who was a proud member of the Emergency Committee to Defeat Al Gore.

As with your friends above, Morton never was in the military, but he did manage to become a board member and executive director of the Council for National Policy, and to co-found The Moral Majority with Jerry Falwell. He even found time to be a special assistant to Pres. Ronald Reagan.

Of course, Pat, you're entitled to favor whomever you wish in this political contest, are entitled to believe that the service your friends did not have to perform should be done by others, and that the rich and well-connected should suffer neither the same obligations as those who did serve nor the need to acknowledge the sacrifices of others. Go right ahead and vote for George. You'll make him and his friends very happy.

I'll bet you'd even send us one of those "purple heart" band-aids. If we pay for the postage and handling and make a nominal donation to George W. Bush.

But, Pat, I don't want your nasty little joke. And I'm betting that a lot of veterans out there don't want it, either. All they want is a little respect, and maybe some of the help with their injuries that the government promised them when they went away to fight on your behalf, something neither you nor the Republican Party are eager to provide.

In fact, I'm betting that, come November 2nd, a fair number of veterans won't want George W. Bush and his merry band of chickenhawks - and that they won't because of you and what you represent.

punpirate is a New Mexico writer who knows that a band-aid is all that veterans can expect to get from this new breed of Republican.

And Another Snippet from 2004:
Heads up Florida, Pat Peale (RNC bandaid lady) is headed your way

An excerpt from an article in the Gainesville Daily Register, Sunday, October 10, 2004 by Andy Hogue (cretin4 on free republic)

Pat Peale, former Cooke County Republican chairman (sic) is preparing to lead a batallion of political soldiers to the battle ground state of Florida. The group is participating in a statewide campaign called "The Mighty Texas Strike Force". The Republican Party of Texas, confident that George W. Bu$h will draw more voters statewide than Sen. John Kerry in the Nov. 2 general election, is hoping to share the wealth of GOP voters with "battleground states", according to a press release.

The mission: To campaign for Bu$h and other Republican candidates in the battleground states and to make sure that hurricane-damaged areas have polling places. The "Strike Force" is sending Texas Republicans sometime this week (the day and time of their departure is being kept "top secret", Peale said) to states where the polls indicate a narrow race between Bu$h and Kerry.

Peale's team will head to Palm Beach County, Fla., the site of a notoriously close election between Bu$h and Vice President Al Gore in 2000. "This time is even more important because with the damage from the hurricanes, people are more concerned with getting their lives up and going." Peale said, adding that votng could be a low priority for those rebuilding their homes and businesses. "Many polling places have been destroyed (by the storms). We want to be down there to see that we have no problems with the polling places".

"By making sure that we do not have the pitfalls that we had the last time, we protect the integrity of elections and make sure that votes are not disenfranchised," Peale said.

For more information on the Mighty Texas Strike Force contact Peale at (940)665-7708.

Sorry no linkee, the local paper doesn't put the Sunday edition on the internets.

Everyone should should safer now that Pat Peale, the RNC bandaid lady, is protecting the integrity of the elections in Florida.

And so I close the page on this photo. I now know the story behind it, and somehow it has become just a snapshot, what it should be seen as. I know who this piece of Texas shit is, and the genes behind her. What a fucking nightmare it's been.

The Folks at are bloody wack.
This piece on Nader had me on the floor tonight, so for posterity, I'm lifting it, along with the coments. You have to read the coments, right to the end. They get really progressivly sicker and funnier.

…Or You Could Just Not Give Ralph Nader Money

Ralph Nader spent 1000 man-hours coming up with this fundraising plea: “I’ve had a lot of hummus. Hummus is nutritious. And delicious. It makes you stronger and healthier. So, Bloomberg’s report on the Lebanese claim to hummus got me to thinking about an idea that would help us raise funds to push our substantive agenda onto the front burner of American politics. If you donate to Nader/Gonazlez by midnight tonight an amount that has the number three in it (three being the number of lemons in my mom’s hummus recipe), we’ll e-mail to you Rose Nader’s hummus recipe tomorrow.” Eh, sorry, we don’t have e-mail. [Hotline]


FMA says at 3:39 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply How much for Bill O’Reilly’s falafel recipe? [Photo] Hamster says at 3:40 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I like hummers too, Ralph. [Photo] El Bombastico says at 3:41 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply “I’ve had a lot of hummus. I know hummus. I worked with hummus. And babaganoush… you are NO hummus.” [Photo] shortsshortsshorts says at 3:41 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Nader’s been eating that hummus for years, and look how great he looks. [Photo] Hamster says at 3:41 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply What about McCain’s recipe for Cornpone? [Photo] McCainsThirdNipple says at 3:42 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Lamers is a REAL bus line? Well, I just learned something new today. [Photo] echoroc says at 3:44 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply WTF? x10. I voted for him twice, though. What can I say? I like me some hummus. [Photo] freakishlystrong says at 3:45 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply What the fuck?!! [Photo] SayItWithWookies says at 3:46 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply You need a recipe to mix chickpeas, garlic and lemon juice?! Geeze — send me three bucks and I’ll give you a fabulous recipe for grilled cheese sandwiches — passed on to me by a mysterious Indian shaman. FMA says at 3:47 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply McCainsThirdNipple: When I was in New Orleans this summer, I saw tour buses from a company called — seriously — Hotard. [Photo] Dr. Zoidberg says at 3:47 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Wait…what? [Photo] dannygutters says at 3:48 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Actually, that’s a freaking good hummus recipie. It’s in rose nader’s out of print cook book called It Happened in the Kitchen. It’s a pretty good book if you like ground lamb or being lectured to. [Photo] AngryBlakGuy says at 3:48 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply …if there is any justice in this world; the international market for hummus has just defaulted and crashed! [Photo] ManchuCandidate says at 3:48 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply This campaign is sponsored by the number 3 and the letters F and U. [Photo] Serolf Divad says at 3:48 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I didn’t realize you could actually make hummus… or that you’d want to for that matter. [Photo] shortsshortsshorts says at 3:49 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Vigilante: your thoughts? [Photo] Texan Bulldoggette says at 3:51 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Hummus originated in the Middle East. I didn’t know Ralph & Mother Nader were also Islamic terrorists. longjohnson says at 3:51 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply You hummus! [Photo] mookworthjwilson says at 3:52 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply $.03 to Ralph…a good hummus recipe to me… [Photo] Vewol Mevemont says at 3:57 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I have something for Ralph that’s kind of like hummus but a darker shade of brown. [Photo] Advocatus_Diaboli says at 3:58 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Is the hummus flavored with parrot, by any chance? I like me some parrot-flavored hummus. [Photo] ProfessorJukes says at 3:59 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Hummus is friends with terrorists. [Photo] Serolf Divad says at 4:02 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Here’s your dilemme: Superduperawesome hummus recipe that’ll get you laid with that hottie canvasser from the Green Party when you tell her you made it yourself BUT John McCain wins the presidency. vs. Supermarket hummus that’ll score you points for “trying” even though it’ll take a few more dates to get to second base even BUT Obama wins the presidency. It’s your choice. [Photo] CrabtreesBludgeon says at 4:03 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Wait - this is REAL? This did not come from the twisted minds of our beloved Wonkette overlords?! I think my brain just sploded (it kinda looks like Hummus). [Photo] Doglessliberal says at 4:04 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply freakishlystrong: that is really the only reaction, yes Tra says at 4:05 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply … an idea that would help us raise funds to push our substantive agenda onto the front burner of American politics … Nader, nader … Oh, you mean the hummus guy? [Photo] lawrenceofthedesert says at 4:12 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Shameless pandering to the garbanzo lobby. [Photo] Doglessliberal says at 4:13 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply SayItWithWookies: and tahini, don’t forget the tahini! [Photo] Gopherit v2.0 says at 4:17 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Betcha vigilante is out buying pita chips RIGHT NOW!!! [Photo] Gopherit v2.0 says at 4:19 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Bill-o’s falafel with Nader’s hummus? That’s a guaranteed belly-ache right there. [Photo] TGY says at 4:21 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Thanks, thanks, Ralph Nader, for making us laugh at squashed garbanzo beans yet again. [Photo] JoeFannyPack says at 4:22 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply As I always suspected, Nader is 1/222nd Satan. [Photo] OzoneTom says at 4:23 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Blend
* 1 can garbanzo beans/chickepeas
* 1/4 cup olive oil
* 1 tablespoon lemon juice
* 1 teaspoon cumin Send me money. Or if you like it greek-style (yeah, I’m lookin’ at YOU): [Photo] OuterBoroughPrincess says at 4:24 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply shortsshortsshorts: To be fair, he is older than Methuselah, a.k.a., John Sidney Walnuts! McCain MCMXXXVI. [Photo] TJBeck says at 4:38 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Holy crap, I thought that was some crazy thing you guys made up. I just came here to see how much more crack Jim had been smoking, but that’s the actual text from the Nader thing. [Photo] Maus says at 4:48 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply freakishlystrong: With enough light and time, most any third-party candidate is exposed as a nutbar. [Photo] NoWireHangers says at 4:54 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I might have donated 3 cents if they mailed the hummus to me. [Photo] jagorev says at 4:55 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I would kill for some hummus right now. I’m going to stop by the Israeli place on my way home. El Bombastico: Perfect. [Photo] Dave! says at 5:02 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply I tried to donate .03… but the minimum donation is $1. Oh well, back to store bought hummus. [Photo] sezme says at 5:47 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Thanks, Ralph, now I’ve got a craving for hummus. Tell you what, though. I’ll stake my hummus against your mother’s, and the winner gets all your campaign money. The loser, of course, will get the hummus. [Photo] shortsshortsshorts says at 6:51 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply sezme: Between the money and hummus, you might want to go with winner takes the hummus. Natard has not a dime to his wittle name. [Photo] Kaclon says at 8:18 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply dannygutters: If you repost the recipe here, none of us have to donate, and all of us get hummus! Everyone wins! [Photo] Weeping Jesus says at 9:50 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Is Nader’s partner really named “Gonazlez”? That’s pronounced: “Gone assless”, you know. Just guessing that Nader has done just that…just sayin’… not the most handsome dude in the world and all that, ya know? Cannaya says at 10:28 pm, October 9th, 2008 - Reply Wait, Ralph Nader’s mom is still alive? [Photo] Lascauxcaveman says at 12:49 am, October 10th, 2008 - Reply SayItWithWookies: YOU FORGOT TAHINI! (and Poland) Damn, I love me some hummus, but why would anyone want to go to the effort of making it themselves when the shit they sell at Costco is pennies a ton. That stuff with the blue and white lid, whateverthehell its called? “Mesa” or somesuch. Freaking addicting. And dirt cheap! I spread that stuff on Ritz crackers, wheat toast, nutter butter’s, my wife’s breasts; everything, man. Absolutley dee-lish. [Photo] JRD says at 2:14 am, October 10th, 2008 - Reply You know most of you people on this site deserve what our government is doling out to you.
Nader is brilliant, and has been right for a very long time. He deserves respect, not your idiotic blathering. GROW UP, or maybe you like bending over and letting our government shove it up your _ _ _. [Photo] NotLaughing says at 2:31 am, October 10th, 2008 - Reply JRD: What’s the first letter of - - -? [Photo] JRD says at 7:19 am, October 10th, 2008 - Reply I just knew you weren’t smart. Tra says at 11:33 am, October 10th, 2008 - Reply JRD: Look everyone! It’s the last Nader supporter! Take a picture, quick! Oh wait, it’s just Ralph. Never mind. [Photo] JRD says at 1:36 pm, October 10th, 2008 - Reply No it’s not Ralph, but it is a Ralph Nader supporter. I’ll give you half right. Your getting better!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Watch the Fucktard from the video below get scared about his Obama "Monkey"

Possibly the Best Fucktard Award!

Racist Moron Palin Clowns Continue To Be Racist Moron Palin Clowns

The only thing “funny” about this latest video clip from a Palin Nuremberg Rally is that it happened in Pennsylvania, where Barack Obama holds a commanding double-digit lead. That’s right, these people will soon be the helpless subjects of a BLACK TERRORIST PRESIDENT, who will tragically extend their miserable lives by ensuring they have health care and social security, while employing their trucknutz-loving adult children on huge New New Deal infrastructure projects in Pennsylvania backwaters just like this one. [YouTube via Alex Balk/Gawker]
Thanks to and Gawker

More Fucktards from the Mid West

Tim Russo recently showed you the hate-filled ignorant base of support for McCain/Palin in Ohio. Make no mistake, that was no anomoly. The kind of conservatives drawn to Grampy and Bible Spice rallies in Bethlehem, PA look and sound as if they are playing from the same disgusting playbook of bigotry, ignorance and anger. They are proud to hold non-reality-based views, and attend rallies where these false messages are stoked for them by the two people on the ticket running for the highest offices in the land who know better. (

Here's some of the dialogue:
Man #1: “That guy gets elected, he hangs around with terrorists.”
Filmmaker: “Who are the terrorists?”
Man #1: “Obama.”

Man #2: “Obama’s a terrorist! You know that?!”

Man #3: “Obama’s a Muslim, he’s a terrorist himself!”
Filmmaker: “Do you really believe that, sir, that Senator Obama is a terrorist?”
Man #3: “I believe that he supports terrorism.”

Man #4 (walks by, randomly screaming): ”Commie faggots!
Woman #1: “Socialism! Communism!” (random people yell “Go to Russia!” “socialist swine” and “European socialist!")

Filmmaker: “You think they should die?”
Man #5: ”Everyone dies, don’t they?”

and look at this incredible exchange:

Protestor: “Palin voted to have women pay for their own rape kits. My friends shouldn’t have to pay for their own rape kits. How would you feel about that?”
McCain supporter: ”She should die!
McCain supporter #2: ”She should pay double!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

I see her as a comentator on Fox...

Liberal Alaskan Laws Smear Sarah Palin
So what’s the deal, is this gal a rotten crook? Will the Obama wolves throw her in the slammer with her corrupt robber friends? Lil’ impeachment action? We don’t know, you’ll have to ask Jeffrey Toobin or his rich lawyer commentator friends. The point: in 25 days, she’ll return to governing a state where everyone hates her slimy guts.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Just to lighten things up!


Sarah Palin To Drop Puck At Hockey Game Alongside Other Hockey Mom, Okay

On October 11 we’ll get a preview of Sarah Palin’s future career: a former insta-celebrity akin to a reality show star who flies around the country to show her face at sports games and clubs and say funny slogans like “Dontchaknow?” for five minutes to a bunch of drunks. Her rate will be $200 in scratch-off tickets, a Bud Lite-sponsored dildo and two baskets of fried shit for supper. This is her future, and it all kicks off October 11 when she drops the hockey puck at a Philadelphia Flyers game alongside some hockey mom contest winner. She has no idea what she’s getting into.

From a standard-issue “Free ____ Night!” sports promo release:

Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, the nation’s most popular hockey mom, will join the winner of the Philadelphia Flyers regional search for the “Ultimate Hockey Mom” contest and drop the puck at the ceremonial opening face-off as the home team Flyers host the New York Rangers at the Wachovia Center on Saturday, October 11 at 7 p.m.

“Because of the tremendous amount of publicity she has brought to our sport, we invited the most popular hockey mom in North America to our home opener to help us get our season started,” said Comcast-Spectacor Chairman Ed Snider who founded the Flyers in 1967. “We are very excited she has accepted our offer and we are very proud of the publicity she is generating for hockey moms and the sport of hockey.”

This will be hilarious, because Flyers season-ticket holders are rabid, drunk trash who will almost certainly (a) lead a chant of “SHOW YOUR TITS, SHOW YOUR TITS” and (b) throw batteries at her when she doesn’t show her tits. There will be vomit everywhere.

Dangerous and Sick People Part II

More from Jack & Jill Politics:

John “Country Last” McCain and Sarah Palin held some truly hate filled rallies on Monday. Here’s a montage from McCain’s hatefest 2008

During this rally, a McCain supporter answers the question posed by Senator Country Last, “Who is the real Barack Obama?” The unmistakable answer: terrorist!
Palin says nothing.

But the current political environment does not excuse remaining silent when a candidate for president is referred to as a “terrorist” in your presence. A desire to win does not excuse remaining silent during a threat on the life of a U.S. Senator at one of your rallies. There are no excuses for evil such as this. John McCain and Sarah Palin, the GOP and all who support them have lost all rights to legitimate argument.

Then we have a Palin fan get real ugly:

Worse, Palin’s routine attacks on the media have begun to spill into ugliness. In Clearwater, arriving reporters were greeted with shouts and taunts by the crowd of about 3,000. Palin then went on to blame Katie Couric’s questions for her “less-than-successful interview with kinda mainstream media.” At that, Palin supporters turned on reporters in the press area, waving thunder sticks and shouting abuse. Others hurled obscenities at a camera crew. One Palin supporter shouted a racial epithet at an African American sound man for a network and told him, “Sit down, boy.

Wow, just wow.
Palin was so feeble during her interview with Couric that it obviously surprised Katie. So much so that it prompted her to continue asking some basic follow up questions. Questions that Palin couldn't answer. Just amazing.

What Happens When You Stack The Deck With Your Own Judges??


Federal Appeals Court Stays Miers/Bolton Subpoenas

Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers and President Bush's current Chief of Staff Josh Bolten do not have to cooperate -- at least this year -- with a congressional committee investigating the firings of U.S. Attorneys, a three-judge federal appeals panel in Washington ruled Monday.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia said as a practical matter, the case cannot be resolved before the current session of Congress ends, so a new Congress will have to decide whether to pursue the matter.

In June, Democrats controlling the House Judiciary Committee issued a subpoena to Miers seeking to compel her to produce documents and to appear before the committee to testify about the firings of nine federal prosecutors.

The committee also issued a subpoena to Bolten to produce documents.

Both fought the subpoenas, and District Court Judge John Bates ruled Miers and Bolten must honor the congressional demands.

The appeals court reversed that ruling.

"The present dispute is of potentially great significance for the balance of power between the Legislative and Executive Branches. But the Committee recognizes that even if expedited, this will not be fully and finally resolved by the Judicial Branch ... before the 110th Congress ends on January 3, 2009," the ruling said.

Bush League Justice strikes again.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Dangerous and Sick People

From Talking Points Memo:

Who They Are, What They're About

By Josh Marshall

So we have McCain today getting his crowd riled up asking who Barack Obama is and then apparently giving a wink and a nod when one member of the crowd screams out "terrorist."

And later we have Sarah Palin with the same mob racket, getting members of the crowd to yell out "kill him", though it's not clear whether the call for murder was for Bill Ayers or Barack Obama. It didn't seem to matter.

These are dangerous and sick people, McCain and Palin. Whatever it takes. Stop at nothing.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just Fuck these People, They Are Not Worth The Air They Breath...

From the Washington Post

In Fla., Palin Goes for the Rough Stuff as Audience Boos Obama

By Dana Milbank

CLEARWATER, Fla. -- "Okay, so Florida, you know that you're going to have to hang onto your hats," Sarah Palin told a rally of a few thousand here this morning, "because from now until Election Day it may get kind of rough."

You betcha. And the person dishing out the roughest stuff at the moment is Sarah Palin.

"I was reading my copy of the New York Times the other day," she said.

"Booooo!" replied the crowd.

"I knew you guys would react that way, okay," she continued. "So I was reading the New York Times and I was really interested to read about Barack's friends from Chicago."

It was time to revive the allegation, made over the weekend, that Obama "pals around" with terrorists, in this case Bill Ayers, late of the Weather Underground. Many independent observers say Palin's allegations are a stretch; Obama served on a Chicago charitable board with Ayers, now an education professor, and has condemned his past activities.

"Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers," Palin said.

"Boooo!" said the crowd.

"And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued.

"Boooo!" the crowd repeated.

"Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience.

(yes, that's right, that was yelled out from the crowd..., what a bunch of cretins this woman appeals to! CZ)

Palin went on to say that "Obama held one of the first meetings of his political career in Bill Ayers's living room, and they've worked together on various projects in Chicago." Here, Palin began to connect the dots. "These are the same guys who think that patriotism is paying higher taxes -- remember that's what Joe Biden had said. "And" -- she paused and sighed -- "I am just so fearful that this is not a man who sees America the way you and I see America, as the greatest force for good in the world. I'm afraid this is someone who sees America as 'imperfect enough' to work with a former domestic terrorist who had targeted his own country."

"Boooo!" said the audience.

Well, All I can say is "Fuck You Palin", go back to your ass backwards little town and wait for Jesus to return.