Friday, February 20, 2009

Some thoughts

On the "Requirement" that everyone has to be insured, like having car insurance:

Health care reps — “from big insurance companies to lobbyists for consumers, doctors, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies” — are “inching toward a consensus.” They agree that “comprehensive health care legislation should include a requirement that every American carry insurance.”

Of course big insurance wants a requirement that everyone be required to carry insurance. That’s all the more profit for them. If Obama does go for some kind of a hybrid of government coverage/private insurance coverage they at least deny insurance companies the right to discriminate. They also need to take some control over what premiums the companies can charge and put a cap on what profits they can make. But, most of all they need to deny insurance companies the right to overrule doctors when it comes to determining care for patients.

Of course the quickest and best thing to do would to put every American on medicare and then hire unemployed health insurance company employees to do the paperwork. But, that’s not going to happen until we come to a consensus in this country that health care should be a right and not a privilege for all citizens.

On a Truth Commission:

“not for purposes of constructing criminal indictments” means no justice. truth without justice is a public relations campaign. it is, frankly, bullshit. what mechanisms are in place to protect the whistle blowers?

this is just another opportunity to sweep criminal actions by the prior administration under the rug.

Jeez, Dems - show some spine for a change. Charge in with criminal indictments and do the job right! Quit dancing around the issue and either do it and do it right, or leave it alone. Wimps.

And when those facts point to crimes having been committed, what then? I think I know what Congress is doing here. They don’t want to directly go after the Bush Crime Family because that would cause a huge Republican’t backlash. So they will find out the truth and then they will have no choice but to ask for prosecution. At least I hope that’s what they are doing.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


Bush Aide: Leahy Truth Commission Is ‘Terribly Dangerous’ Idea, Possibly ‘Deadly’»

Marc Thiessen, Bush’s former chief speechwriter, agreed. Not only would the investigations be hypocritcal, he said, but worse, they would be “terribly dangerous” because they would expose the “facts” of the U.S.’s interrogation techniques to Osama bin Laden:

THIESSEN: [T]he facts that they want to get out are the techniques we use to interrogate terrorists. The techniques that we used to intercept e-mails and communications and telephone calls. And when you get those facts out, it’s not just going out to the American people and to the viewers on television. It’s going out to Osama bin Laden. It’s going out to the terrorists who can use those information to get around our intelligence and plan the next attack.

So it’s very deadly — this is very deadly serious stuff. … And it’s terribly dangerous.

He also emphasized that the people Leahy might investigate “aren’t torturers, they’re heroes.” “They should be getting a parade on Pennsylvania Avenue,” he added.



I wonder how he would feel without Geneva Convention articles if he was a prisoner of an enemy of the US?