Monday, February 25, 2008

Knock Knock. Who's There? The Terrorists...


Perino Attempts To Defend Wiretapping Spin

The Reichstag has been very, very busy trying to tell the American public that we are losing important information on when the Terrorists are going to attack us because the congress will not approve immunity for the telecoms who broke the LAW. Yup, those pesky Terrorists are just text messaging away with total abandonment now that the airwaves are not monitored.
The shit that spews out of the mouths of these filthy no-good used car salesmen never ceases to amaze. The bald faced lies vomited by propaganda minister Perino is just exhilarating.
And I quote:
Reporter Helen Thomas also pressed Perino on who gave telcos the “right to break the law,” to which Perino testily replied, “You’re entitled to your opinion, but you’re not entitled to your own set of facts.”

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