Saturday, February 16, 2008

Infra Gard sounds like "Stasi" when you play it backwards.

Ok, I have no idea what the hell I'm doing, but I'm taking the advice of jurassicpork, and opening my mouth about this stuff. How long will I keep this up? I'm not sure, but I think I shall try to write a few times a week to control my blood presure and aggravation.

That just sounds so out of a Ludlum novel. Where do these people come up with this stuff?
Flying under the radar since the mid 90's, the Shock Doctrine of 9/11 saw this little Skull and Bones private club take off with all of the Justice departments blessings.

From their website:

  • FBI certified and accredited system
  • Access to sensitive but unclassified information
  • Valuable networking opportunities
  • Secure communication
  • Join InfraGard
I just don't like folks who are not part of law enforcement behaving like they were. I don't like the fact that this is just one more step in a Fascist shift, one more set of eyes watching, one more facet of our Homeland Security.
I do hope that the next Administration is able to get rid of some of these bloody Nationalistic monikers such as the Nazi-like "Homeland Security". I really would prefer Federal Department of Security or something like that. Homeland just reeks of Fatherland, Motherland, etc...
Some friends from Europe came by a short while ago, and besides all now being fingerprinted upon entering the country (Homeland), they are treated to little notes in their luggage saying that HOMELAND SECURITY HAS OPENED AND CHECKED THIS ARTICLE OF LUGGAGE.
A report given by DemocracyNow can be found at
I suggest all watch it.
OK, I'm going to see how this looks!


thegreatzammbello said...

OK, This works!

jurassicpork said...

It certainly does. Now keep writing.